Live Life Sober

Jul 11, 2023

My sobriety, this is not something I've share publicly a whole lot. I have been sober for two year. I have also reduced my denpendancies on caffeine and sugar, and had many people reach out to me wanting to know more. 

I see so many people, myself included, make the mistake of thinking it's too hard to make lifestyle changes and that it's much easier to follow societal and social norms than it is to have a healthy body. To me, that is heartbreaking - to continue to allow your health to deteriorate and do nothing about it, and to continually deprive your body of the vitality it requires.

Here are a few examples of the social acceptance for mothers and wine. It only takes a quick Google search to find hundreds, if not thousands of memes supporting mothers and drinking alcohol.

I used to be right there with you though. For as long as I can remember, I suffered with anxiety, low self-worth, low self-esteem, bouts of depression and who knows what other labels could have been placed on me. One thing I found that helped my social anxiety was alcohol. 

Six years ago, I was a completely different person than I am today. I was all of those things I just mentioned (anxious, low self-worth, etc), going through a divorce, falling in love again, navigating becoming a blended family and choosing all the wrong substances to help me deal with it all. I was drinking too much, I was taking anxiety medication, I was crippled in fear, it was the lowest point of my life. Luckily I had a great awareness of the state I was in, and the support that I would find my way through.

I made a plan for myself to get better. I started taking workshops and courses. I started to work on myself and my well-being. I realized I didn't want anything to control my moods and energy anymore, other than myself. I realized I wanted to have a clear mind and find healthy ways increase my self-worth and confidence. 

I've seen so many people, including myself, make the mistake of thinking it's too hard to make lifestyle changes and that it's much easier to follow societal and social norms than it is to have a healthy body. To me, that is heartbreaking - to continue to allow your health to deteriorate and do nothing about it, and to  continually deprive your body of the vitality it requires.

Here are a couple different memes discussing the "Mommy Wine Culture"

Yesterday I made a post on my Facebook and Instagram pages to see if there was any interest in me putting together a FREE workshop/webinar to talk about my journey, that would help give you clarity on the benefits of reducing or eliminating dependencies and how to replace unhealthy habits easily with good ones.

So my question is - would this be of interest to you?

If so and you'd like to be added to the waitlist, please click on this link below. If there is enough interest, I think thinking on hosting the FREE online workshop in August. 

As I mentioned, my sobriety from alcohol, caffeine and sugar have not been things I have discussed, until now. And I am willing to share more and more if there is an interest. This workshop is the beginning step on feeling it out. 

Link ➡

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